EUROSOLAR awards the National and the European Solar Prizes to municipalities, municipal enterprises, individuals, engineers, architects, owners of installations using Renewable Energies, and to organizations who rendered outstanding service to the utilization of Renewable Energy. The award of the National and European Solar Prizes in 2004 - as in the years before - has the purpose, to widely spread the subject of Renewable Energies. Outstanding innovative projects and initiatives as to the use of Renewable Energies are awarded in different categories.
The call for tenders for the European Solar Prizes by the respective national EUROSOLAR-sections is running simultaneously in several European countries and the prizes are awarded by EUROSOLAR in cooperation with the KfW. The winners of the European Solar Prizes will be chosen among the applicants for the respective national Solar-Prizes.
The public request for tenders and the Solar Prize award are carried out in different categories:
- cities, municipalities or municipal services;
- industrial and commercial companies, enterprises; farmers;
- owners or users of installations utilizing Renewable Energies;
- local or regional associations promoting projects for Renewable Energies;
- solar architecture;
- media award: to a journalist, author or a medium for reports or demonstrations on Renewable Energies;
- transport systems with Renewable Energies;
- education;
- special award for extraordinary individual commitment.>From now on suggestions for projects in these categories may be submitted in two copies at the EUROSOLAR office in Bonn (download of the application form on the
EUROSOLAR-homepage). An important part of the application is an abstract that should summarize the most important facts of the project in not more than half a DIN-A4- page. Anybody may suggest another person or institution or oneself for the prize award. The submitted proposals
should give a summarized but exact description of the projects and it must be clearly visible that Renewable Energies play an important role.
Any application or proposal must be received at the EUROSOLAR-office in Bonn
not later than 31st of August 2004 (deadline). The respective prize winners will be selected by a jury appointed by EUROSOLAR. At first the winners of the National Solar Prizes 2004 will be presented to the public. Then the winners of the European Solar Prizes 2004 will be selected among all participating countries. EUROSOLAR cannot accept any liability or responsibility
for any sent-in documents nor can there be created any legal claims e.g. as to the return of submitted documents.
Please contact to download the application form.
Please send your application to:
EUROSOLAR e.V., Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 11, 53113 Bonn, Fax +49-(0)228 - 36 12 79 or - 36 12 13,
e-Mail:, homepage: (23.06.2004)